Perez on Medicine

@ National Library of Medicine

Esse texano chamado Perez é muito bom de pintura: ele aborda assuntos vinculados à medicina através de pinturas que remetem ao universo da medicina com um olhar distinto. A imagem acima é entitulada de: “The Anesthesiologist” que você conferir clicando aqui. Para entender o que a pintura deseja transmitir é fundamental a leitura preliminar do descritivo da mesma:

The anesthesiologist is often only a vaguely remembered actor from the surrealistic scenes that precede and follow surgery. With all the powers of Morpheus, the Greek god of sleep and dreams, the anesthesiologist seems to delight in his role as he smiles down on his vulnerable patient.

As the patient sleeps, the beautiful butterflies and horned devil become part of her mental confusion. Perhaps she dreams about which way her soul will go if she doesn’t wake up again in this world.

In the meantime, her defenseless body will be handed over to the real “god” of the operating room, the surgeon.

Vale a visita!!!

É na vida mesmo!, Sociedade

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